Graphene: China's New Weapon

Brian Hicks

Posted March 16, 2012

It’s one of the strongest materials found on earth.

It’s tougher than diamonds, stretches like rubber, and weighs close to nothing.

It’s 200 times stronger than steel, yet it’s the thinnest material in the world — and could eventually rival silicon.

It’s set to revolutionize everything in your daily life… from mobile phones and planes to lithium-ion batteries and circuitry.

And if it lives up to the hype, you could eventually roll up your mobile phone and stick it behind your ear… or buy a high-definition TV as thick as wallpaper.

We’re talking about graphene, the single-atom layer of carbon atoms that can conduct heat and electricity better than copper.

“It would take an elephant balanced on a pencil to break through a sheet of graphene the thickness of Saran wrap,” says BBC News.

So it’s no real wonder that scientists, governments, and green investors alike are rushing to find supply… 

The UK just announced the development of a graphene hub in Manchester with a $120 million price tag.

South Korea is funding graphene research at a cost of $300 million.

And the European Commission is expected to invest north of a billion euros in graphene over the next 10 years.

The U.S. military — forever interested in high-speed, light-weight gadgets — could have a strong need for graphene.

The material will transform green technology and batteries…

A study from Northwestern University just found graphene was successful in charging lithium-ion batteries 10 times faster and giving them 10 times the storage power. 

Graphene also stands to revolutionize solar energy panels: MIT researchers found that by shining light on graphene, they were able to generate an electrical current.

Where Will It All Come From?

Clearly, this material presents exciting developments, which can lead to big profit opportunities.

There’s just one problem…

While it’s obvious our future will depend heavily on it, where will all this graphene come from?

China dominates 70% of the global market (just as they control 97% of the rare earth market). And the Chinese are trying afford “graphene the same protection as rare earth” after imposing a 20% export duty on the material.

So it’s no real surprise that prices are quickly moving higher, with no real end in sight…

Fortunately, our own Nick Hodge has found a graphene hot spot.

He’ll be talking about the material and this hot spot in depth next Thursday, March 22, at 7 p.m. (EST).

Registration for this special free event is limited — but there’s still time to reserve your spot right here.

While it’ll cost nothing to listen in… you stand to lose thousands in profits if you miss out.

Stay Ahead of the Herd,

Ian Cooper Signature

Ian Cooper

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Ian Cooper has been trading stocks and options for 12 years. He contributes options, stock, and energy commentary to Wealth Daily, Wealth Wire, and Options Trading Pit. He’s the Coach behind Options Trading Coach, a beginner’s guide on how to trade options. Ian teaches thousands of loyal subscribers the many ways to be profitable from options rather than simply buying stocks alone. For more about Ian, take look at his editor’s page.

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